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Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 1 Transcript
oh that's
crunchy welcome to the wedding crunch it's been a hot minute Sharon it's been four years to be quite Frank four four
years and we haven't changed or aged a
bit for those new little bit heavier
Shar you are a little bit for our new
listeners the whole three of you I would
like to just give you a little
background on me and Johnny you right
there yeah like I got around on my right
Johnny and I met about six and a half
years ago I was a marriage celebrate he
was the photographer it was literally 5
days after I gotten married that's how I
remember our anniversary so clearly what
is their anniversary how many years 6
and a half 6 and a half seven in January
yep uh we clicked straight away cuz I
had a naughty personality you lik that
so it was straight away yeah Shar say
something highly inappropriate I still
can't remember exactly what it was but
show how it just comes out it was P it's
nothing scripted then I think it about 6
months later you rang me up and you said
can you fill in for me for um my
as yes yes and I was pretty excited
about that cuz i' never seen the back
end of that sort of gig at a wedding
Sharon I've never seen my back end thank
God and I think four years later yes
then presto we start up a podcast yep
during Covid once that set in everyone was
doing podcasts and we said that's not
for us as soon as someone else starts
doing it
lot lots and lots and lots of people
were doing it good reason we looked down
like a podcast call ises anybody even
care I've gotten into them over the last
cuz I'm up and down the freeway down the
peninsula I have gotten into them quite
a bit I don't mind the YouTube version
I'm not a podcast sort of guy but I'm
YouTube version lots of people do listen
to podcast in the car lots of people
drive and commute so uh then we tried uh
I think it was postco we tried a little
cent of me and your office that went
completely pearshaped
you were not fun in the office and I'm
all about funar come be a [ __ ] great
it'll be poot we'll dick around all day
and get nothing done and we actually
around got nothing done he absolutely
snapped and smiled at me I said this is
not going to end well without friendship
so I think that lasted all of two weeks
no not either yeah yeah I think it was
it was close to two weeks and then we
bounced back quite quickly from that
didn't we well then it was postco and
then there was the was like a 18 months
of weddings and then there was 4 million
weddings in about 6 months that was
tough it was really tough there were a
lot of photographers who who who I know
we burn out it was horrible we
absolutely burnt out PR Co we got
through it so here we are four years
later doing podcasts starting again
let's all right we just get into it now
something I've been talking to Johnny
about y y have we finished our
friendship SL relationship I think so
what do you mean finished it we haven't
finished it no no no as in finish
talking about it basically we have a
very high tolerance of each other we
love each other when I fly out overseas
Johnny will send me a text message love
your Gardens just in case the plane goes
down yeah yeah I I normally you know if
this is the last time we ever speak
these are the words that I want you to
hear love you love you love you and he
puts up with me burping after I've eaten
dim sims in the car so I think we we've
established a line we've got a long way
here CH on the podcast okay let's get I
big and moan about wedding parties
bridesmaids in particular to the point
where think we've had enough one of
Sharon's bumar is when bridesmaids are
not delivering when they're not being as
bridesma as they could and they may be
making a little about themselves 100%
more about themselves than the bride and
and stuff if they're not making it about
themselves they've disappeared nowhere
to be seen I've got my hand up dresses
I'm pulling nickers out I'm pulling bras
in I'm thinking why Sharon is the best
bridesma you could ever want I that is a
true story it is true we one of my
favorite ones is where uh we could see a
panty line on the bride ohte yeah and so
Shez goes no worries I'll get it up
inside and goes straight out g string
see you later gone yeah so I want to
start off with a not so great story now
this was recently now they don't listen
to this podcast so I know it's not
controversial I wasn't even going to
start with his was you so she has three
bridesmaids one has has flown down from
Queensland where in Melbourne one it's
flowing down from
Queensland she brings the boyfriend the
boyfriend gets absolutely annihilated on
the alcoholic beverage he [ __ ] face sh
he's I I can't even politically correct
there thousands of words about my mouth
just say incredibly intoxicated to the
point I was actually MC as well yes at
one point she's grabbed the boyfriend
popped him up against the wall I was
having a cup of tea out in the foyer
that's how I knew popped him up against
the wall said stay there yes and the
next thing I know she's disappeared
she's had to take him home did she prop
him against the wall so he wouldn't fall
over or did she grab him and jump pun
him into the wall no she she was very
delicate more delicate than I would have
been I just would have shoved him in the
bridal s picked him up on the way out
right she ended up leaving leaving the
whole gig left the whole gig left no no
she grabbed coats grabbed him along the
way and then left with him with him so
confused okay okay then the other two
bridesma where are the other two
bridesma darling Bri oh they've gone
it's 8:00 p.m. what do you mean they've
gone left the party we've got kids got
to go at 8:00 8:00 another couple of
hours to go package pay till 11:00 p.m.
that is a bad bad wedding party let me
just uh I just want to unbox that a
little bit there a lot going they
possibly the wrong choice of bries mes
look they were her close friends that's
why she chose
them I don't know then we go into a
conversation of what makes you choose
your wedding
party is it
obligation and how many of them Sharon
is a big question do you go none of them
because you've got too many friends oh
yes or none of them because dicks what
do you go none of them because or you
end up with two or three brothers or
sisters yes yes and then you you that
way you're not going to alienate people
by not choosing them cuz you can't have
14 bridesmaids and there's nothing worse
than rating your mat in order I've got
four grman D you're my fifth best mate
can you do a
reading I was D say you bet yeah no i'
just sit down and enjoy the show no so
the who do you think we see the most of
do we see the most of friends as a group
or do we see the most of family members
of a group siblings I think that would
be siblings more don't you think yeah
yeah yeah be 50/50 but the dynamic The
Sibling Dynamic against the friend
Dynamic M so your friend Dynamic is oh
my God you look beautiful oh my God your
sibling dynamic oh yeah what the
[ __ ] that's extreme I think what you
mean to say is the sister or the brother
will give it to you straight no that
looks ridiculous why are you wearing
those that underwear I can see it change
this or they know that your mom might be
a bit edgy and they can take some of
that heat correct parents that's a whole
of the podc yeah that's a that's one for
sure for short so the sibling bounces
back because they're blood so if you
have a
Barney with them leading up to the
wedding or on the day he bounce back
quick if you have a Zill if you have a
zilla with your sister M it'll be okay
but if Zilla with your friend you may
not bounce back as
quickly reminds me a story Sharon oh I
do love good story so we're in a uh
we're doing the portrait session we're
in we pull into a pub in Richmond and
the bride asks the bridesmaid to just
bust off the dress so she can dance to a
little acoustic guitar guy that's
playing in the Corner oh yeah so they
bust her up she heads over to the
acoustic she does a spin and the dress
unbs all hell breaks loose fire and fury
of you haven't bustled my dress well
enough thats and leashes on the chicks
right so the chicks just grab their
beers and hide in the corner now this is
pre reception we about post ceremony
ceremony and uh and I'm thinking [ __ ] R
how are we going to bring this back
right and there was no way of bringing
it back those chicks were like nah [ __ ]
it you're a badzilla we're we're just
going to pull a pin so they just didn't
hang with the bride they tucked
themselves away we had to try and nut
out that last half an hour with no input
from the the and then we get to the uh
reception and they're just whatever and
I'm thinking jeez it was just a dress
bustle you know I understand that you're
under a bit of pressure but is mates
that tells me that there is a whole
another level of crap going on somewhere
and I wish I was there to find out what
it was cuz I do love a bit of Gossip
could be a whole bigger picture than
but do you know if they bounc back and I
don't know to this day if there
difference now there's another wedding I
was the assistant to you only I wasn't
the celebrate so I don't actually give a
[ __ ] about their story now or who they
were to be honest this was years ago and
I cannot if I walk past
I wouldn't have a clue this is one of
mine this is one of yours I was the the
assistant and in all I remember it was a
big beautiful house the bride was
upstairs I go back up I possibly would
have left a lens behind which is nothing
unusual for me right I've gone up there
and I said where's your wedding party
and she said I don't know I think my
sister is with the new boyfriend now
this is pre-ceremony like she's all
nerves we're about 15 minutes from
starting uh and the other girlfriend's
off doing something and the other ones
goodness knows what and I said not on my
[ __ ] watch no so I went down and I
hauled their asses back up spend the
last 10 minutes with their friend/ this
you said you need to be up there be more
Brides baby she's a mess up there you
need to be up there did they appreciate
your imp I really don't care if it was
my couple I probably would have been a
bit more
diplomatic but they went they were
yours that really P me off cuz I found
that this woman was so upset and that's
the last emotion she needs to feel 15
minutes before walking down the aisle
yeah Sharon's got a thin for that oh
true a lot of times I'm feeling that Gap
if I find that there's a little bit of a
you know bridesmaids or Grooms or
whatever not dishing enough then I'll
try and pump them up and I'll find ways
of filling the Gap and pumping up the
bride um which I think is a photographer
job you know you're absolutely you're
not only the shooting you're the buzzman
you're the you're the enjoyment and the
fun and the excitement and all the gear
that you bring in that's right so what
you do is you mask what's going
on not everyone can be a photographer
anyone can go and learn how to shoot a
camera true but not everyone can be that
person that brings out the best everyone
yes you can just take photos or you can
be part of the family but the I've had
quite a few times where I've had to
clean up messes oh they're my favorite I
remember um or else who wouldn't be
talking about I remember the the bride
the bride unleashing on the mother of
bride yeah there's a movie about that I
can't mention who but um Unleashed and
I'm like oh man and I grabbed the bride
you know just afterwards I said H
remember it's her wedding too did you
say something yeah I said you just just
take a little breath and you know ease
back a little bit and just be aware of
you know what's going on I said it'll
always be a memory that you'll take
where you've unleashed on your mut it's
probably not something bounce back when
it's your mom but if it was your
mother-in-law oh that would take years
see you might say something whereas I
walk away mumbling under my bread loud
enough for everyone to hear I just done
it really
bad everything what not talking about
brazill because that's a whole another
podcast but wedding party and let's tell
a good story well as much as we started
live Sher let's finish high with a part
I'm sorry he doesn't love a bad story
everyone loves a b but you need to clean
it up with a story and let's go to Brook
and Josh's wedding M right so this here
so R onzo um Josh is a quadr plgic in a
wheelchair right his mates all day
looking after him pushing the wheelchair
helping him out pumping him up all that
sort of gear it was a magnificent
experience it was one of the most
emotional weddings again I was celebrate
and assistant and but it wasn't just
Josh side it was Brookside as well I
have never seen such a devoted emotional
together wedding party in my 9 and a
half years of being a celebrant y the um
the Clincher and the uh the one that
there wasn't a dry eye in the house we've
gone for the uh the bridal dance um so
uh Josh takeing the piss a little bit
he's in a wheelchair and the music kicks
in with Ed Sheeran when my legs don't
work like they used to before and I'm
like God that is the greatest open crowd
is just cheering and going nuts and then
his two mates grab um a chair and sit
either side of him either side of the
wheelchair and they strap themselves to
him so they they put bung or whatever
strapped his legs and and put their arms
around him so that Josh is now standing
and St in the kitchen crying I was
crying yelling out grab the video I give
Sharon the phone I go record
this we might try and put that up in the
boys have lifted him up he they put his
arms around you know um and they they
they're giving the the dance oh was
beautiful and it was just one of those
moments where you know you sho 1,300 odd
weddings that's one we'll remember
forever it was the pure emotion and of
course being that um his situation is he
couldn't be upstanding for too long
because of all the blood rushing up and
down so we only lasted about oh 30
seconds but it was the best 30 seconds
of that day wasn't it oh yeah a r it was
abely right but again it's that's the
support from a bridal party girls and
boys in that group boys especially they
were just they didn't leave his side no
the great now these were a bunch of kids
they weren't that old these were a bunch
of kids that all went through he hadn't
accident at the age of 17 so he was in
high school these were all their high
school friends what 10 years later so
2728 did not leave his side for the last
10 years and it showed on his wedding
day that my friends is a perfect wedding
party really BR party okay don't I gave
a bridesmaid a lip gloss once cuz the
bride couldn't find her I said can you
just go and give this to the bride this
was an UNC call and I turned back I said
I thought you were going to touch up
before you went into the reception she
goes I don't have anything I walked into
the bridal sweat and there the [ __ ]
all using my lip gloss glossing up
themselves I give that to me I gave it
to the bride oh there's small beds you
love them B I do love them a lot of bad
outside of the cocaine wedding at um
Encore oh I've done a few of those that
was so I I rock into the bridal suite
and it's like a scene out a scar face
right there are lines everywhere and the
groom looks up with the white on his
nose and says are we good
Johnny yeah M we're good he goes you
want to do a line yeah no M I'm working
um I guess that leads into another
little segue if you like m are we going
to talk about I really to talk about
anything wait cocaine's at wedding y or
no I don't know it's COC at a wedding
when the groom gave his speech and it
was a little bit
NY the uh the bride did smack him over
the head and said I told you not to do
Coke at our wedding and did she say at
the reception yes and while they're
doing the they wouldn't do the Bro Dan
she cracked it with him um Nathan from
Moon Back Nathan was mortified and I was
just giggling all day been wearing my
pents laugh I have a great day yeah they
were just off their everything Speedy
but Nate he was uh he was very upset
that the party was CED we' had a few
cocaine weddings again people don't
remember so tat a friend of M Tatsu I
thought you say someone else and don't
mention the name tat had a wedding where
um the bride's got the sniffles right
and she's got a little um nasal nasal
in no right and uh so Tana's got you
know a little bit of a cold too she goes
oh can I borrow the inhaler and she goes
you don't want this
one that's fantastic go get lock the
nasck and do oh my God you've just given
a holly Coke here a plain idea for their
wedding day I'm not sure if I'm
or C but did you change it into a
spray no she just be snorting it from it
right so still powder yeah yeah yeah not
that I know a lot about cocaine but I'm
imagining that's what that would be I'm
assuming Stevie NS did it right I'm
going to put a poll out up when we
release this podcast I'm going to put a
poll out C or not to C do you think it's
appropriate at a
wedding look at some people some people
love a little recreational drun sh yes
so I know that a lot of people it's
quite a booming industry quite a booming
industry we see quite a lot a wedding do
you think it's appropriate at a wedding
when majority of the people there will
not be doing the same thing so therefore
you're on separate pages from a lot of
your guests let's say isn't that
standard for a Coke situation unless you
go to a nightclub and everyone is CED
down everyone leaves and then everyone
comes back I find it quite antisocial
Coke okay any I'm not sure how we got so
deep in co
go how do we go from bridesma for having
badly to say hello to my little
friend and I'm Montana uh yeah that's
what i' like to know cuz cocaine seems
to be the drug of choice at weddings
yeah I don't hear a lot of people say
saying oh I've just popped a pill or
I've just gone had a bong is that what
you call them these days I've just gone
had a I had a what I know what you do
with the marijuana I've just injected
heroin see in the corner no I think K is
probably the go I think that's the party
goto it's easy it's a little bag it's
not offensive look at us talking about C
we have no idea what we're talking
about we do because we seen I know about
Coke is I've either seen in a paccino
movie or in a bridal sweet yeah okay I'm
saying a
word oh my gosh all right how are we
going for time should we
going let's wrap it up then let's just
do a l what have we learned today people
choose your wedding party wisely wisely
give them the rundown of your
expectations if you like give the
rundown expectations particularly on the
day or do you know what we haven't
talked about bridesmaids and I say
bridesmaids because that seems to be the
one that always happens I don't mean to
groomsman or Maids of the groom you I
don't mean to leave them out but they
don't seem to cause me any grief choose
them wisely choose lots of them have
expectations but don't be a mole about
it I don't mind a big bridal party don't
go you know fireing that's talking three
guys and leave out your best mate number
four because
Chu him in yeah that's what I reckon
whatever unless you got OCD then that
wouldn't work but the firing of of a
bridesmaid I've heard quite a few times
because that were just being a dick six
weeks out from the ceremony you're fired
yeah we go we get told yeah there's four
bridesmaids and then when we get close
to the date there's three bridesmaids
what happened Sharon must
know not that anyone cares r that I ask
I firing a Roxy there you go don't be
afraid to fire someone in your wedding
party because they will not be nice on
the day if I but you're end friendship
because the friendship's done anyway is
if you're firing your
bridesmaid your friendship's over and
done with she I've never heard anyone
firing their sister you can't fight your
sister can't fight your sister that's
what you got but your friends you care
no problem say lighter people come and
go all your life right they'll come they
for a reason is seasonal for
Life yeah
some sort
of seasons of Life musical
525 yeah because they might be your best
friend at 19 but at 29 not so much let
it go fuck around I'm hot but I'm 56
years old I've lived a
few lives I to flick I do now used to be
toxic people in your life Sharon are a
waste of space see you later oxygen
sucker sucker yeah especially at my
wedding not going to happen well do you
want to wrap it up or do you want to go
straight to Bri toast that could be it
for 2024's first edition of The Wedding
crunch starring Johnny war and Sharon
Cook now prior to this I was Sharon
Palmieri but when I got married I didn't
want to take my wife's name because I
didn't want to spell Constantine for the
rest of my elderly life so I went back
to my birthday cuz I hadn't long lost my
nan who was a cook so this was I went
back to my ma name I prefer cookie do
you yeah p is too weird I thought it was
PR EX and I asked my children who are
grown up now and they said yes Mom they
actually said Mommy they still call me
Mommy we don't mind I think we di that
so we've wrapped it up okay I think so
good until next time till next time when
we talk about more elicit drugs I think
we're done with that see you